FOR SALE, Brahmaea hearseyi eggs F1
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Hello everyone. I have the pleasure to offer eggs of Brahmaea hearseyi from a pairing that occurred last night.
Foodplants: Ligustrum, Fraxinus
Price: 15 eggs - 22€
Shipping Costs: 8€ within the EU and 12€ to other Non-EU countries. Both will be as priority mail with tracking number. Shipping worldwide.
Breeding hints: Very easy species to raise. They prefer bein raised in free branches in water over being in closed plastic boxes. Avoid excess air humidity and maintain normal room temperature of 20-25°C. Very fast growing species, ready to pupate in 3 weeks.
Foodplants: Ligustrum, Fraxinus
Price: 15 eggs - 22€
Shipping Costs: 8€ within the EU and 12€ to other Non-EU countries. Both will be as priority mail with tracking number. Shipping worldwide.
Breeding hints: Very easy species to raise. They prefer bein raised in free branches in water over being in closed plastic boxes. Avoid excess air humidity and maintain normal room temperature of 20-25°C. Very fast growing species, ready to pupate in 3 weeks.
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