FOR SALE, Parnassius from ex-USSR and more
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Many rare and hard-to-get species and subspecies
of Parnassius from the whole ex-USSR territory
(Central Asia, Caucasus, Siberia, Transbaikal, Far East,
Polar regions) and N. America.
I am a specialists in Parnassius, Colias, Erebia, Oeneis,
Boloria, Clossiana, Melitaea and more. Also some moths:
Sphingidae, Catocala, Arctiidae and more.
To get my extensive whole price-list, please write me to
I've created a blog with images of many species I have to offer.
Please visit it and subscribe to see all images. It is here:
Photos of some rarities:
1. Parnassius corybas zamolodtschikovi, PARATYPE male A1: Russia, Putorana Plateau, $110.00 each (a few remaining)
2. Parnassius charltonius romanovi, female A1+: Kirgizia, NE. Pamir Mts., $250.00 (THE LAST FEMALE!)
3. Parnassius davydovi risto, PARATYPE male A1: Kirgizia, Interior Tian-Shan Mts., $500.00 (THE LAST MALE!)
of Parnassius from the whole ex-USSR territory
(Central Asia, Caucasus, Siberia, Transbaikal, Far East,
Polar regions) and N. America.
I am a specialists in Parnassius, Colias, Erebia, Oeneis,
Boloria, Clossiana, Melitaea and more. Also some moths:
Sphingidae, Catocala, Arctiidae and more.
To get my extensive whole price-list, please write me to
I've created a blog with images of many species I have to offer.
Please visit it and subscribe to see all images. It is here:
Photos of some rarities:
1. Parnassius corybas zamolodtschikovi, PARATYPE male A1: Russia, Putorana Plateau, $110.00 each (a few remaining)
2. Parnassius charltonius romanovi, female A1+: Kirgizia, NE. Pamir Mts., $250.00 (THE LAST FEMALE!)
3. Parnassius davydovi risto, PARATYPE male A1: Kirgizia, Interior Tian-Shan Mts., $500.00 (THE LAST MALE!)
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